As we are all co-creators in a universe without limit, it is very important that we understand the power that our thoughts have on the material plane.  In fact, what we refer to as the “material plane” is none other than the solidification of thought into experience, for action always begins at the level of thought.

At a time when so many are given over to fear mongering, it is important that we work to counter such negativity by spreading thoughts of light and loving vibration into the world.  Changing our thought patterns in addition to engaging in a period of daily meditation, even if brief in duration, goes a long way in spreading light and love to the surrounding atmosphere as the stilling of the mind (ego, thoughts, etc.) allows inner Light to emanate from us and heal the world around us.  Many are awakening to the truth that what is happening in the “outer” world at a given time is a direct reflection of the collective consciousness of humanity.  Therefore, it behooves us to carefully consider what the changing events in the world around us say about our inner state of being.  Put another way, the manifestation of discord or harmony in the world around us reflects what is going on within us.

Paramahansa Yogananda spoke on this very subject:

“The vibrations of evil that mankind leaves in the ether upset the normal harmonious balance of the earth. When the earth becomes very heavy with disease and evil, these etheric disturbances cause the world to give way to earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters.”

Aristotle expressed a similar sentiment when he said, “All earthquakes and disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the world.”

When there is a dramatic increase in the magnitude and frequency of earthquakes and other natural disasters, it is a wake up call, a kind of alarm bell, alerting us that we must change our thoughts and actions if our planet is to continue to be capable of sustaining life.  Consider if you will how the human body reacts to the presence of a virus – it raises its temperature (generates fever) and increases the ranks of its armies in the form of white blood cells in order to kill what threatens it.  In the same way, when our way of life presents a threat to Mother Earth, it is natural that she will defend Herself.  Mankind will not win such a battle; rather we must learn to live in harmony with the Earth or we shall forfeit our right to exist here. While it is true that the earth does go through normal cycles of readjustment that are natural to its own evolution, it is vital that we understand the considerable role our thoughts and actions play in the creation of geophysical upheavals.

Many at present are preoccupied with prophecies and predictions regarding 2011 or 2012, but we must be aware that it is our thoughts and actions in the present that determine our future.  Time is illusory, and we are responsible for our own spiritual evolution.  Do not wait for the proverbial “mothership,” for it will not come.  Human life is always tenuous and fragile, and this is why it is so important for us to recognize this precious opportunity we have been given for our soul development through this human incarnation.  While it is true that increasing frequencies are elevating the collective consciousness of those on the earth at this time as we transition into another age (or yuga), if we do not work for our own development we will not truly benefit.  A student can be placed in the most prestigious institution of learning but if he does not study and do the work, he will not succeed.  It is only when we engage in self-effort that we earn the grace of God and Gurus.

Lastly, all have a choice regarding how we perceive and react during this time of change.  Many people and media outlets are focusing only on negativity and fear.  We have a choice whether or not we participate and contribute to this low vibration.  Spiritual evolution and fear do not go together, as fear keeps us in a low, body-centered state of consciousness. Love, however, elevates us to a higher state and exerts a benign influence on our own physical and spiritual health as well as that of those around us.

May God and Gurus help us to be more selfless, more loving, and more joyful, in the creation of a healthier more harmonious planet.
